Configuring a FTP server (VSFTPD)

01. Check the necessary RPM
#rpm –q vsftpd //very secure file transfer protocol daemon

02. Start the FTP service
#service vsftpd start
#chkconfig vsftpd on

03. The FTP service will be automatically configured in the following two different ways……
 Public FTP - No username or password necessary
 Private FTP – A valid username and password is necessary

Public FTP
If you need any body to access files from your FTP server without given username and password, you will have copy all the files that other people need to download in to /var/ftp folder.

Go to the web browser and enter the your FTP address (

Private FTP

Create a user account on the ftp server and use that account login in to the FTP server through the web server. You will be automatically log in to the users home folder.
#useradd uddika
#passwd uddika

Go to the browser and enter the address

If you wish to disable public FTP

01. Edit the configuration file
#nano /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

anonymous-enable = YES Change to anonymous-enable = NO

How to restrict unnecessary users through FTP

01. Edit the configuration file
#nano /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers
Uddika // Enter the username

02. Reload the service
#service vsftpd reload